The Unique Triple Action Formula to protect SKIN.
No Itch………….No Scratch……..No Worries………..
ECSORA is a combination of Time Tested ingredients, having Anti fungal, Anti Bacterial and Anti Allergic properties. Ensures excellent results for Eczema, psoriasis & pyoderma. Bakuchi, Manjishta & Gandhak Rasayan are also documented for best results in Eczema & psoriasis. Neem & vasaka provides better anti itching effect, purifies Blood. Ecsora is an unique combination for all types of dermatological diseases such as psoriasis, pruritus, Urticaria, pyoderma, itchiosis & Dermatitis- Allergic, Contact & Seborrhic. Effective in Leucoderma.
Bakuchi kaduthikthoshno krumikushtakaphaapahaa Thwakdosha vishakandoothi kharjju prashamanee cha sa !! ( Rajanikandhu)
Provides better result in Lerucoderma, psoriasis. Provides Anti toxic effect, helpful to various skin diseases due to poison or Allergy and helps hair growth.[Seed & Leaf ]
Nimba thiktharasaheethalaghuskeshmaasrapithanut Kandoo kustha vrunaal hanthi lepaharaadisheelitha Apakkwam paachayeth chhoyam vrunam pakwam vishodayet!! [Dhanvantri Nikhandu]
Blood purifier, useful in various skin diseases- Itching, wound ulcer, leprosy {kushta}
Maintain the equilibrium of Tridosha. Purifies blood. Effective in Hair falling.
Aranyarajaneekandhaha kusta vaataasra nashanaha Savashoshavishagnascha hindhma shwasana kaasajith!! [kaiyyadevanigandhu]
Anti Bacterial, Useful in Eczema, pyoderma, Leucoderma, charmakushtam. Better Anti toxic effect
Normalizes pitha- Raktha – kapha vikaaras, purifies Blood, Anti Toxic effect, Useful in Eczema, psoriasis, purifies Blood
Clears imbalances of tridosha, purifies Blood, Clears Rakthadushti & Oedma. Wounds Healing Property, Nourishes skin tissues. Provides Normal glow in Skin.
‘vascicine’ an Alkaloid containing vasaka [ Leaf, Bark] increases the level of platelets in Blood and effective for capillary Bleeding. Purifies Blood, Useful in various skin diseases.
Combination of 7 Times purified gandhaka with other herbs like: Pippali, pippalimoola, Lavanga,Nagakesara, Trikatu, Triphla, Vidanga…..etcTreats Eczema, psoriasis,pyoderma and various types of skin infections.
1 cap 2 or 3 times a day or as directed by the physician
10 * 10 Blister pack & 500’s jar pack.